Sunday, June 27, 2010

About MSPE

Founded in 1867, the University of Illinois is among the greatest on the earth. With more than hundred and fifty departments, it is located between in the chambana area. The College of Liberal Art and Science possesses the privilege to host the department of Economic and even more the MSPE program.

Design in 19... by the Professor Werner Baer, specialist on Latin America Economy and Particulary Brazil. The Program is nowadays manage by one of the actual great economist on the planet, Professor Firouz Ghavari since...

Today it is almost a thousand of students who have responded to the call launch by Baer in 1984 to offer the world people ready to apply economics theory and provided to those theory all the adjustment needed according to the specificity of each Nations.

Government administrators, central bankers, internationals institutions, private sectors and are the first sources of student and then freshly graduate students willing to opt for Phd.

MSPE Alumni across the world have been, are and will still being: Presidents, Governors of Central Banks, Minister of Finances, Chairman or Deputy Directors in
private business, various honorable position in private sector and institutions.

MSPE is an update program in term of coursework and material studies with among best Professors, Teacher Assistant, and a staff that anyone will enjoy because of their first characteristic which efficiency.

As many program, it have to incorporated suggestions and hence it helps moving at the same pace or even at a fast speed than do the world of policies analysis and consulting.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Sustainabily goes beyong climate change or global warming

This blog intend to start reviewing Economic Policies in various countries in the world.
Most of the post and comment will be economically focus.

From Latin America to China, from Africa to North America and South Asia to Central and Middle East, the diversity will be a mission and a requirement to offer you, dear readers another view of actions and decisions across borders.

Some article could be and will be provided by Professors in different field of concentration in Economics and derivatives.

Welcome to mspestudents blog and be ready to the flow and stock of and accurate information and policy from those who make them and practice also daily, from the elaboration until all the updates and adjustment when they are on the trail.


Gilbert Sindjou